Ban On Cell Phone Use by all Commercial Drivers

February 15, 2012

Ban On Cell Phone Use by all Commercial Drivers

As we all know, use of electronic devices while driving is dangerous and a major contributor to motor vehicle accidents.  Distractions caused by cell phones and texting can take a driver’s attention away from the road and have catastrophic results. In a big step towards improving driver safety, the Federal Motorist Carrier Safety Administration imposed a ban on cell phone use by commercial drivers. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety administration is an agency that works to prevent commercial motor vehicle-related fatalities and injuries. The ban began on January 1 of this year, and applies to all drivers of commercial vehicles who have commercial driver’s licenses. The ban applies to all CDL licensed drivers in every state. The intention of this new regulation is to improve safety on highways by reducing distracted driving. According to the Department of Transportation, there is a three-fold increase in truck accidents when a driver is using a cell phone, whether for talking or texting. The regulation also applies to cell phones with two-way radios.  The penalties for violating this new regulation include a sixty day driver’s license suspension after a second violation. Let’s hope this measure results in safer travels for all motorists.

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